Friday, December 5, 2014

My Real Beast

I am strong and a "Jamaican Woman." Click here if you would like to hear track by Etana on #SoundCloud from her album
 - I RISE - 

Thinking back confusion,
Did not know how to bend.
Body weak cannot run,
Finally reached wits end.

Continued by faking,
What else for me to do?
Unable to disclose,
 Trusting God knew all true.

Trials and tribulations,
Each one safely survived.
Picked up every piece left,
Began feeling revived.

Situations of then,
Moved on to be released.
Carnal weapons that harm,
I discerned my real beast.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Decisions to Make


I do not pretend,
My true love is free.
Show you cherishment,
Yet still fearing me.

Hurting always comes,
But not purposely.
If ever did so,
Knowledge will foresee.

This heart is open,
Loving even now.
Doubting truth aware,
In need of a vow?

Oh was done before,
They were not to last.
Reality says,
Leave back there in past.

We making all work,
Like no others can.
Standing together,
Hold a strong hand.

Set limitations,
 Should no more I take?
Thinking getting close,
Decisions to make.